GOOD, Perfection's Favorite, Best, Good, Beautiful, The Most Beautiful Horse in LaMorte, Excellent, Beautiful Horse in I. L&L Appearance, Better, 2nd Placed in Galopp with Flash, Great, 2nd Placed in Galopp at Colonial Downs, Perfect, 1st Placed in Thoroughbred Appearance,
+ Trzsknyvezett neve: Miss Kashmira
+ Trzsknyvi szma: Thoro/379-Filly-120430
+ Szletsi dtum: 2012.04.30.
+ Neme: Kanca
+ Fajtja: Angol telivr
+ Szne: Pej
+ Tulajdonos: Zo (motion-de-avenue.gp)
+ Csaldfa:
Bernardini |
A.P. Indy |
Seattle Slew |
Weekend Surprise |
Cara Rafaela |
Quiet American |
Oil Fable |
Rachel Alexandra |
Medaglia d'Oro |
El Prado |
Cappucino Bay |
Lotta Kim |
Kim's Blues |
+ Oltva: Igen
+ Fregtelentve: Igen
+ Patkolva: Els 2 lbra
+ Krmlve: Igen
+ Tenyszl: Nem
+ Tenyszengedly: Nincs
+ Centrumok: -
+ Csikk: -
+ Szakg: Kllem, galopp: kzptv
+ Versenyeredmnyei: 12
1. hely: 5 2. hely: 7 3. hely: 0 egyb: 0
+ Versenyek:
- 1. hely: Perfections Galopp Days, Training nap kategria (perfections.gp) *Szemlyes kedvenc
- 1. hely: Who Is The Thoroughbred Champion?, angol telivrek kategria (lamorte.gp)
- 1. hely: I. Summer Cup in 2015, galopp - rvidtv kategria (patanevelde.gp)
- 1. hely: August Appearance, kanck kategria (pata.csata.gp)
- 1. hely: Thoroughbred Appearance, kanck kategria (lamorte.gp)
- 2. hely: July Appearance, kanck kategria (perfections.gp)
- 2. hely: Perfections Galopp Days, kllem - kanck kategria (perfections.gp)
- 2. hely: I. L&L Appearance, telivrek kategria (lizzye.gp)
- 2. hely: I. Summer Appearance in 2015, kanck kategria (patanevelde.gp)
- 2. hely: Galopp With Flash, rvidtv kategria (lizzye.gp)
- 2. hely: Galopp at Colonial Downs, kzptv kategria (paradoxic.gp)
- 2. hely: II. Red Doom Appearance, angol telivrek - kanck kategria (reddoom.gp)
