6*Elite, BEST, The Best Horse in I. Fast Appearance, 1st Horse in Stg.Reckless Memorial Dash, Better, 2nd Placed Horse in Gr.I. Pimlico Special, SA Second, Better, Elite Horse, Good, Participant Horse in II. BC Galopp Derby, Most Beautiful Horse in II. BC Appearance, Beautiful, Participant Horse in Secretariat Memorial Competition, The Best Horse in After Dark, The Most Beautiful Horse in The Colors of Summer, GOOD, Better, Good, 2*GOOD, Nice, Nice, Nice Horse in LaMorte, LM Champion, 1st Placed in Sidney Derby,
+ Trzsknyvezett neve: John Eirigh
+ Trzsknyvi szma: Tho/921-Colt-110620
+ Szletsi dtum: 2011.06.20.
+ Neme: Csdr
+ Fajtja: Angol telivr
+ Szne: Fekete
+ Tulajdonos: Zo (motion-de-avenue.gp)
+ Csaldfa:
Harlan's Holiday |
Harlan |
Storm Cat |
Country Romance |
Christmas In Aiken |
Affirmed |
Dowager |
Steelin' |
Orientate |
Mt. Livermore |
Dream Team |
Steel Band |
Carson City
Wedding Band |
+ Oltva: Igen
+ Fregtelentve: Igen
+ Patkolva: Els 2 lbra
+ Krmlve: Igen
+ Tenyszl: Nem
+ Tenyszengedly: Nincs
+ Centrumok: -
+ Csikk: -
+ Szakg: Kllem, Galopp: hossztv, kzptv
+ Versenyeredmnyei: 22
1. hely: 10 2. hely: 8 3. hely: 2 egyb: 2
+ Versenyek:
- 1. hely: I. Fast Appearance, telivrek kategria (dvaynes.gp)
- 1. hely: Stg.Reckless Memorial Dash, hossztv kategria (farifield.gp)
- 1. hely: II. Telivr Kllem, mnek kategria (pata.csata.gp)
- 1. hely: II. BC Appearance, telivrek kategria (belcavallo.gp)
- 1. hely: First Appearance in June, mnek kategria (redskyatmorning.gp) *Abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: Highway To Hell!, Mammon kategria (magicalracepark.gp)
- 1. hely: After Dark, 2. nap - hossztv kategria (dvaynes.gp)
- 1. hely: Bye-Bye School, telivrek kategria (magicalracepark.gp)
- 1. hely: The Colors of Summer, fekete kategria (belcavallo.gp)
- 1. hely: Sidney Derby, hossztv kategria (lamorte.gp)
- 2. hely: Gr.I. Pimlico Special, hossztv kategria (farifield.gp)
- 2. hely: SA Summer Derby, Summer Derby kategria (santa-anita.gp)
- 2. hely: Highway To Hell!, Lucifer kategria (magicalracepark.gp)
- 2. hely: I. Unchained Appearance, telivrek kategria (drawtales.gp)
- 2. hely: July Appearance, mnek, herltek kategria (perfections.gp)
- 2. hely: Perfection's Galopp Days, hossztv kategria (perfections.gp)
- 2. hely: Perfection's Galopp Days, kllem - mnek kategria (perfections.gp)
- 2. hely: Who Is The Thoroughbred Champion?, angol telivrek kategria (lamorte.gp)
- 3. hely: Five Horses, Five Places Appearance, 1. kategria (midnightm.gp)
- 3. hely: Perfection's Galopp Days, ffutam kategria (perfections.gp)
- 4. hely: Secretariat Memorial Competition, Belmont Stakes kategria (belcavallo.gp)
- 5. hely: II. BC Galopp Derby, hossztv kategria (belcavallo.gp)
