8*Elite, The Best Stallion, Beautiful PC Horse, Good PC Horse, Most Beautiful Horse in Telivrek Klleme, BEST, Winner Horse in I. BC Galopp Derby, GOOD, Good Horse in Cavallo Center I. Head Appearance, The Best Horse in Galopp, Nice, 2nd Placed Horse in Dvayne Days, BEST, Best Horse in Cavallo Center Appearance for Washing Pictures, Excellent Horse in June Appearance, 1st Horse in Stg.Reckless Memorial Dash, New Recorder in Farifield, Farifield Hall of Fame, Absolute Winner in Farifield, Farifield Champion, Perfect, 1st Placed in Thoroughbred Appearance, 1st Horse in Gr.I.Pimlico Special, Festest, Fastest Horse in London Galopp Race, Perfect, 1st Placed in London Galopp Race, SA Second, Better, Nice, Nice Horse in II. BC Appearance, Perfect, 2nd Placed Horse in II. BC Galopp Derby, Good, 3rd Placed Horse in Secretariat Memorial Competition, Good Horse in Kentucky Derby, Good Horse, The Best Horse in After Dark, Excellent, Excellent Horse in After Dark, Participant in After Dark, NICE, Nice Horse in The Colors of Summer, Better, Nice, Nice Horse in LaMorte, Excellent, 2nd Placed in Sidney Derby, Best, Good, Best, Nice, Nice Horse in I. L&L Appearance, Absolute Champion, SA Champion, SA Winner, Best, Best, Better, 2nd Placed in Galopp with Flash, Best Horse in Out of My Limit, Best ODDS, Horse with the best ODDS in Galopp at Colonial Downs, Perfect, 1st Placed in Galopp at Colonial Downs, Nice, 2nd Placed in Thoroughbred Appearance,
+ Trzsknyvezett neve: Above Meanings
+ Trzsknyvi szma: Tho/567-Colt-110409
+ Szletsi dtum: 2011.04.09.
+ Neme: Csdr
+ Fajtja: Angol telivr
+ Szne: Pej
+ Tulajdonos: Zo (motion-de-avenue.gp)
+ Csaldfa:
Line of David |
Lion Heart |
Tale of the Cat |
Satin Sunrise |
Emma's Dilemma |
Capote |
Kentucky Lili |
Sister Girl Blues |
Hold for Gold |
Red Ransom |
Kydall |
Sister Girl |
Conquistador Cielo
Scipio |
+ Oltva: Igen
+ Fregtelentve: Igen
+ Patkolva: Els 2 lbra
+ Krmlve: Igen
+ Tenyszl: Nem
+ Tenyszengedly: Nincs
+ Centrumok: -
+ Csikk: -
+ Szakg: Galopp, kllem
+ Versenyeredmnyei: 43
1. hely: 19 2. hely: 16 3. hely: 7 egyb: 1
+ Versenyek:
- 1. hely: Reopen Appearance, mnek kategria (dvaynes.gp)
- 1. hely: Telivrek Klleme, mn kategria (belcavallo.gp)
- 1. hely: I. BC Galopp Derby, sprint kategria (belcavallo.gp)
- 1. hely: Dvayne Days, galopp - rvidtv kategria (dvaynes.gp) *Abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: Appearance for Washing Pictures, angol telivrek kategria (cavallo-center.gp)
- 1. hely: June Appearance, mnek kategria (pata.csata.gp)
- 1. hely: Stg.Reckless Memorial Dash, sprint kategria (farifield.gp)
- 1. hely: Stg.Reckless Memorial Dash, Stg.Reckless Memorial Dash kategria (farifield.gp) *Abszolt gyztes, j rekord, 6 hossz
- 1. hely: Thoroughbred Appearance, mnek kategria (paradoxic.gp)
- 1. hely: Gr I. Pimlico Special, sprint kategria (farifield.gp)
- 1. hely: London Galopp Race, rvidtv kategria (paradoxic.gp) *Leggyorsabb telivr
- 1. hely: After Dark, 1. nap - sprint kategria (dvaynes.gp)
- 1. hely: Perfection's Galopp Days, sprint kategria (perfections.gp)
- 1. hely: July Appearance, mnek kategria (perfections.gp)
- 1. hely: Santa Anita Turf, Irish Green Sprint kategria (santa-anita.gp) *Abszolt gyztes
- 1. hely: Dark Passion Tiszteletverseny, mnek kllemversenye kategria (perfections.gp)
- 1. hely: I. Summer Appearance in 2015, mnek, herltek kategria (patanevelde.gp)
- 1. hely: August Appearance, mnek kategria (pata.csata.gp)
- 1. hely: Galopp at Colonial Downs, sprint kategria (paradoxic.gp) *Best ODDS
- 2. hely: II. Simple Appearance, mn kategria (pata.csata.gp)
- 2. hely: I. Head Appearance, angol telivrek fejklleme kategria (cavallo-center.gp)
- 2. hely: Dvayne Days, kllem - mnek kategria (dvaynes.gp)
- 2. hely: Break the Cycle, 900 mter kategria (magicalracepark.gp)
- 2. hely: SA Summer Derby, Palm Tree Sprint kategria (santa-anita.gp)
- 2. hely: II. BC Appearance, telivrek kategria (belcavallo.gp)
- 2. hely: II. BC Galopp Derby, sprint 1. futam kategria (belcavallo.gp)
- 2. hely: After Dark, 3. nap - sprint kategria (dvaynes.gp)
- 2. hely: The Colors of Summer, pej kategria (belcavallo.gp)
- 2. hely: I. Unchained Appearance, telivrek kategria (drawtales.gp)
- 2. hely: Who Is The Thoroughbred Champion?, angol telivrek kategria (lamorte.gp)
- 2. hely: Sidney Derby, sprint kategria (lamorte.gp)
- 2. hely: Perfection's Galopp Days, kllem - mnek kategria (perfections.gp)
- 2. hely: Galopp With Flash, sprint kategria (lizzye.gp)
- 2. hely: Out Of My Limit, 4 Hours kategria (paradoxic.gp)
- 2. hely: Thoroughbred Appearance, mnek kategria (lamorte.gp)
- 3. hely: Funny Pictures, mn kategria (pata.csata.gp)
- 3. hely: Secretariat Memorial Competition, Preakness Stakes kategria (belcavallo,gp)
- 3. hely: II. Telivr Kllem, mnek kategria (pata.csata.gp)
- 3. hely: Highway To Hell!, Belial kategria (magicalracepark.gp)
- 3. hely: Highway To Hell!, kllem - Mammon (mn) kategria (magicalracepark.gp)
- 3. hely: Bye Bye School, telivrek kategria (magicalracepark.gp)
- 3. hely: I. L&L Appearance, telivrek kategria (lizzye.gp)
- 4. hely: Horse Race in the Night, Dark Sky Sprint kategria (drawtales.gp)
